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You've got this! We're here to support you every step of the way. Let's make it happen.  

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What To Expect

Core Values

Jesus taught us to serve others rather than be served. This principle is fundamental to our work at the Ignite Center. Our focus is on helping others, and we believe service is the best way to accomplish this.

Importance of Structure

We maintain a highly structured daily routine for several reasons. First, we believe in the importance of order, as exemplified by Jesus. Second, structure is essential for managing a large group effectively and preventing chaos. Finally, we aim to instill strong discipline in our participants.


Reducing Idle Time
  • Boredom is a common trigger for relapse among those in recovery. By keeping individuals busy with constructive activities, we help prevent boredom and impulsive decisions.
Establishing Routine
  • A structured environment fosters healthy habits that can replace harmful behaviors associated with addiction. Routine also provides a sense of stability and control, which is crucial for early recovery.
Building Accountability
  • Group activities and shared responsibilities create a supportive community. Being surrounded by others reduces feelings of isolation, a major risk factor for relapse.
Fostering Goal Orientation
  • Our structured programs emphasize goal setting and progress tracking. This helps individuals focus on their future and achieve a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Daily Routine

  • 6:30 AM: Wake-up
  • 7:00 AM
    • Bible verse of the day
    • General announcements and team prayer
  • 7:10 AM: Daily Chores and Responsibilities
  • 7:30 AM: Proverbs Study
    • Shared reading of Proverbs
    • Individual reflections and insights
  • 8:00 AM: Corporate Prayer Time
  • 8:30 AM: Praise and Worship
    Energetic worship through song and music
Daytime Activities
  • 9:00 AM: Bible Study
    • In-depth exploration of Scripture led by instructor
  • 10:00 AM: Breakfast and Fellowship
  • 10:30 AM: Team Assignments
    • Fundraising and Evangelism
    • Church and Center Construction / Maintenance / Groundskeeping
    • Thank You Team
  • 2:00 PM: Lunch
  • 2:30 PM: Continue Team assignments
Evening Routine
  • 6:00 PM: Corporate Prayer Time
  • 6:30 PM: Evening Bible Study
    • Continued exploration of Scripture led by instructor
  • 7:30 PM: Dinner and Fellowship
  • 8:00 PM: Final Cleanup and Preparation
  • 8:30 PM: Personal Study and Reflection
  • 10:00 PM: Lights Out